Saturday, February 20, 2010

Flip That House, the before!

Ok, well let me start off by saying that I am going to get better about blogging I feel like I have fallen way behind! So let me catch you up. In the last couple of months Clinton and I started our move from Conway to Cabot. By "starting" I mean we moved from Conway at the end of December but were not able to close on our house in Cabot until February 5th, therefore we stayed with his parents for about a month. I was blessed with great in-laws, however living with someone as a married couple is a challenge none the less. Clinton graduated in December and starting working full time for Crye Surveying, I am in my last semester to complete my B.S. in Family and Consumer Sciences, and in the middle of all of this as soon as we moved in to our house we starting making it over and making it our own. On a side note I don't think that anyone I'm about to mention reads my blog but any who, I want to say a special thank you to our real estate agent and family friend Tammy Tompkins as well as Fayon Hayes and the people at Carroll Mortgage Group for helping us out so much and getting us into a house!!!!! :)

Now to the "Flip that House Part"
Like I said we starting working as soon as we moved in. There are no structural issue with the house but boy are/were there some cosmetic issues. Let me give you a few examples:Living room color before, yes it is really as green as it looks!
Another before view of the living room!
The kitchen before, this is when we went to go look at the house so this is the previous owners stuff.
Office before. Yet again this would be the previous owners stuff and as you can see there was one extreme to another GREEN in the living room and hall way then pretty much WHITE or the ever dreaded wall paper. lol
Master Bedroom before.

So that pretty much gives you the idea of what we were working with. So in the days to come I will start posting what we have done thus far.

1 comment:

  1. Tori has been keeping me updated on you guys! Can't wait to see the "after" pics!! She was telling me about your floor technique. Can't wait to see what it looks like! It sounded really cool!
